The Influencer Effect: How Our Service Propels Your Brand

When we started testing our Influencer Marketing program, we needed to figure out what to expect and what kind of impact we could make for our clients.

Visual of a hashtag in the background with text in the front and Lighthouse Advisory logo in the upper right corner.

Collaborating with Influencers (or Content Creators) allowed us to explore many styles, personalities, and captivating vibes.

A recurring theme became evident – their passion for their work.

We encountered many interests and niches – from fitness and lifestyle to the culinary arts. This diversity emerged as a great asset in the marketing arsenal for our clients.

Having a versatile audience means we can mix and match to find an ideal fit for your brand.

Influencer Marketing with Your Brand

What exactly can your brand derive from social media and collaboration with Influencers?

The social media landscape of today is quite broad. In today's post, we will concentrate on two channels where we've seen impactful results: Instagram and TikTok.


With 1 billion monthly active users, Instagram’s importance is undeniable.

4th most popular social media platform worldwide

Research shows that users dedicate an average of 11.7 hours each month to Instagram, with over 90% actively engaging with businesses; the marketing value of this platform becomes clear.

Noticeably, 62.3% of global users explore and connect with brands and their offerings. 

Also, 61% of this platform's audience falls within the 18 to 34 age bracket – a key demographic encompassing both Gen Z and Millennials.

This dual role of social space and brand discovery underscores its appeal for businesses seeking a robust marketing channel.


The most downloaded mobile app in the world in 2022, with 672 million downloads

No. 6 on the world’s most-used social media list

Compared to Instagram, TikTok emerges with an even more robust engagement rate. Users dedicate an average of 22.9 hours per month to the app, or roughly 46 minutes daily.

Additionally, 36.9% of TikTok's audience comprises females aged 18 to 34 – a highly relevant segment.

If we're looking at trends, it's worth noting that hashtag #tiktokmademebuyit has 31.8 billion (a billion with a B!) lifetime views.

Adding Influencers To Your Marketing Mix

Incorporating influencers into your strategic social media results in a tangible impact that's hard to overlook. 

By seamlessly blending their unique voice and style with your brand, you organically boost your brand's visibility and amplify your digital presence.

Identifying, connecting with, and reaching out to influencers harmonizing with your vision can be daunting.

Lighthouse Advisory’s Influencer Marketing Service

That's where our solution, designed to be a one-stop hub for all your influencer marketing needs, comes into play.

We facilitate every stage – from identifying the influencer whose values align with your brand to negotiations and closing the deal.

To learn more about the depth of our services, explore further details here.

Or, if you're eager to kickstart a conversation and explore how our service can align with your brand goals, feel free to contact us directly.


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What’s New With Our Influencer Marketing Service?